F.L.Y, First Love Yourself. The FLY group is an inspirational, educational, and personal development program for girls and women.
From our founding, our mission has been to provide training, guidance, and a continuum of support for all women, at all stages of life, through attentive listening, mentoring and effective group programs. The goal being for Maui girls and women to attain life, personal and career goals, and find success in their lives. Our program is constantly improving, responding to girl’s and women’s emerging needs, to find solutions to their personal challenges and to societal changes.
We reject any notion of injustice, intolerance, or inequity based on race, color, gender, socio-economic or academic status, nationality, body size, or religion, with a demonstrated core focus on inclusivity.
What Makes You Feel Beautiful successful groups and program includes one-on-one mentoring, workshops, and training. The FLY group was created to support our mission that fosters self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, leadership, and occupational success in girls and women, with a renewed emphasis on counseling and training young women.
F.L.Y First Love Yourself group has three basic goals for each participant:
To identify what each person was taught to believe about herself/themselves and to understand how those beliefs have impacted behavior, decisions, and relationships
To create a new, improved personal system of beliefs, supported by a unique set of self-empowerment principles, techniques and goals
To develop personal tools that support an improved attitude - to ensure growth, self-awareness, self-confidence, well-being, and positivism.
Sponsor the F.L.Y. group Here